Jennifer Love Hewitt vagina sparkles courtesy of Swarovski
Posted: under Jennifer Love Hewitt.
Tags: George Lopez, Jennifer Love Hewitt, naked, NBC, nude, piercing, sex, sexy, Swarovski Crystal, Swarovski Crystals, va-jay-jays, Vagazzaling, vagina
Some late-night talk show hosts on uesday night were talking about NBC, Jennifer Love Hewitt was on with George Lopez talking about something entirely different – her private parts. Or as she called it – her “precious lady.” I bet George was sweating during this conversation. In her upcoming book, The Day I Shot Cupid, she mentions that she has a chapter on “Vagazzaling.” Sounds like fun. She explains: “After a breakup a friend of mine Swarovski Crystaled my ‘precious lady’ and it shined like a disco ball and so I have a whole chapter in there about how women should ‘vagazzle’ their va-jay-jays.” And was hers vagazzled as they spoke? Yes, she told Lopez. “It’s hot pink for today for you. I am currently vagazzled.” And I am totally hot just from thinking and writing about this so Click Here to see her bedazzled vagina, naked photos and videos.
Comments (0) Jan 13 2010