The ‘Gossip Girl’ Blake Lively has bought nearly 300 pairs of shoes in 18 months. The actress admits she can’t resist splashing out on her favorite accessory and has an entire wardrobe just for storing her footwear. She admitted: “I have an entire walk-in closet dedicated to shoes. I think I have maybe 300 pairs. They’re beautiful. “I’ve only got four pairs of old shoes – the rest are all pairs I’ve gotten since I’ve been living in New York for the past year and a half.” Despite her huge assortment of shoes, Blake insists she has little time to shop and relies on getting other people to hunt down the things she likes. She explained: “I don’t have time to shop so much, so the best place that I find to shop is the fitting room on ‘Gossip Girl’. “I go in, take pictures on my camera phone and then email them off to the personal shoppers at stores and say, ‘Find me this.’ ” She is so spoiled, not everyone can be so lucky.
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