Vera Farmiga had great time with George Clooney on the set
Posted: under Entertainment, Vera Farmiga.
Tags: Actor, actress, charm, charming, Goerge Clooney, hollywood, movie, movies, sexy, Spanx, Vera Farmiga
Vera Farmiga– who stars alongside the Hollywood actor as his love interest in the romantic comedy ‘Up In The Air‘ – loved working on the movie with him because her big screen alter ego got to treat the hunk so badly. It was awesome. She said: “George has been breaking women’s hearts for years. It’s fun to turn the tables. But it’s disgusting how much charm he has. He oozes it.” In one part of the film, Vera had to be semi-naked, and says her co-star mistook her control underwear for nerves. She explained: “George was great during that scene and asked: ‘Are you OK, because you’re not breathing?’ I didn’t tell him because I was wearing two pairs of Spanx! I’d given birth six weeks earlier and wanted to keep everything in!” She said: “Oh, those weren’t my buttocks. It wasn’t appropriate to be naked because I was breastfeeding like every 20 minutes. Click Here to see naked pictures and videos.
Comments (0) Jan 17 2010