Model Kate Moss to become ballerina
Posted: under Entertainment, Kate Moss.
Tags: Alexander Petrovsky, ballerina, ballet, Canada, Carrie Bradshaw, film, Kate Moss, Kirov Ballet, Mikhail Baryshnikov, model, Russia, Sex and the City, The White Stripes
Kate Moss is set to become a real-life ballerina. The hot supermodel is working on a piece with legendary ballet dancer Mikhail Baryshnikov for a short film by famous choreographer and director Michael Clark. The 36-year-old beauty – who famously pole danced in a music video for The White Stripes and is very well known for her partying lifestyle – has been taking private lessons with Michael and will undertake an intense three-month training regime before filming begins in July. Michael believes the duet between Kate and Mikhail – who played Carrie Bradshaw’s Russian boyfriend Alexander Petrovsky in the ‘Sex and the City‘ TV series – will be fascinating to watch because of their different backgrounds. The source added: “Baryshnikov is a beautiful man but he is in his 60s so you don’t ask him to jump really high or do this or do that. It will be interesting because it will be about them. In Michael’s eye as a film-maker, the movement of the camera dances already by itself. It will be an extremely interesting collaboration and the film will be the result of the dance.
Comments (0) Feb 28 2010